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Above & beyond – Recognising Vincent Court’s dedicated volunteers

At the heart of our Vincent Court community are some incredible individuals – a group of volunteers who dedicate their time, energy and compassion to enhancing the lives of residents.

Manager, Alan, says the volunteers are an integral part of the family, bringing their own special joy, support and friendship to residents and staff.

‘Queen’ Bea works as a volunteer four days a week and loves her interactions with the residents.

“I get so much more out of it, than I put in,” she says. “The love and friendship from the residents and staff is so special.”

Other volunteers help assist with group activities, one-on-one interactions, cook the delicious monthly barbeque, provide pastoral care and drive the bus for outings.

“Our volunteers enjoy coming to Vincent Court, and we’re so grateful to have them,” Alan says. “They build friendships with the residents, support them and help them feel
at home.”

To find out more about our welcoming community, call our friendly admissions team on (02) 6562 7280 or email